Important Memo: I appreciate your patience as I work towards fully digitizing my practice and integrating e-charting. Please let me know if you have any difficulty setting up your online booking profile and I would be happy to assist you!

Hi there! I am Christina Baptista, RMT and I have been practicing as a Registered Massage Therapist in Victoria, British Columbia since 2003. I enjoy providing massage therapy care to a variety of patients, as well as educating patients about their bodies and the importance of self-care.

My practice focuses on a biopsychosocial approach to whole-person health and wellness. I greatly value the rapport and trust that I build with each of my patients as an integral part of establishing an effective therapeutic relationship.

I look forward to connecting with you!

Hi there! I am Christina Baptista, RMT and I have been practicing as a Registered Massage Therapi... Read More

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